Zero differences can be created in the latest work environment based on battle, intercourse, ages or stage of pregnancy
Zero differences can be created in the latest work environment based on battle, intercourse, ages or stage of pregnancy Ms. DA SILVA, expert from Portugal, emphasized the importance of sex education programmes and asked whether those addressed boys and girls equally. Equality would not be achieved if such programmes did not address men as well, she insisted. Ms. ABAKA, (Ghana), Committee Chairperson, said that in response to questions raised about indigenous women this morning, she had understood that in order for them to benefit from programmes they had to undergo compulsory medical testing, which was now being disallowed. What kind of medical testing had they had to endure? Could representative clarify whether indigenous women also had to undergo sterilization without their consent? GAYTAN told you numbers on the part of female not viewing public shelter in the domestic markets as well as on discrimination bbw dating site Germany during the earnings had become considering about declaration Ms. GASPARD, expert from France, suggested that the Government might think about the question of poverty among older women and draw up statistics on retired women. She also asked about women’s involvement at the university level, and the situation regarding academic research and gender issues. Ms. SCHOPP-SCHILLING, expert from Germany, said she was concerned about the complete absence of labour protection for domestic workers. Had the Government realized that that amounted to unintentional discrimination, as defined under article 1 of the Convention? While great progress had been made to extend social security reforms to day agricultural labourers, how many of those were women? Certainly, women comprised the majority of domestic workers, she pointed out. Ms. FENG CUI, expert from Asia, noted a reference in the report to the Government’s work in rural areas, especially through the use of microcredit to improve women’s status and eradicate poverty.